Of all the essential oils lavender is one of the most well researched and most promoted options that is also widely available for pregnant women to use.
Lavender oil in bath pregnancy.
Lavender is one of the best oils to use to combat the daily stresses and strains of late pregnancy.
According to esoteric oils.
Try and indulge yourself in a lavender oil massage from time to time in order to enjoy the full dose of this great essential oil.
It could also stimulate your hormones and could have different effects on your body.
Adhere to the following tips while making use of lavender oil in your pregnancy.
The effect of foot bath with or without.
In pregnancy lavender oil can be added to a bath to help soothe away pregnancy aches and pain and relieve stress.
Use this essential oil in a periodical manner for the best results.
Similarly using lavender oil in the early months of pregnancy can result in a miscarriage.
Lavender oil aromatherapy massages reduce pain associated with menstruation in some young women better than regular massages.
The application of lavender oil can cause skin irritation in some cases.
I switched my usual products to an organic avalon lavender oil facial and body cream w c has a strong real lavender oil in it.
So im just 6wks pg now and ive used it for about 10x on my face arms and legs.
Lavender oil has a soothing and calming effect on the nerves relieving tension depression panic hysteria and nervous exhaustion in general and is effective for headaches migraines and insomnia.
It can also act as a natural antiseptic and insect repellent which is useful as you will find many pharmaceutical ointments come with a warning to be avoided during pregnancy.
Milosavljevic these are calming or down regulating oils that can have a.
I did so to avoid paraben products since im pg.
Some essential oils that can be safely used during pregnancy are lavender chamomile and ylang ylang says dr.