For snack sticks you really want to start them out at 125 for 1 hour and then 140 for 1 hour before moving on to 155 for 2 hours and then 170 until the internal temp of the meat reaches 160.
Making snack sticks in the oven.
It takes about 6 hours.
After the beef sticks cook for one hour close the oven door.
I do mine in a dehydrater set at 155.
Mustard seed 2 tsp.
1 4lb beef roast 1 1lb pork roast 7 tbsp a c.
Coarse black pepper 2 tsp.
Garlic powder hand grinder with stuffing attachment 1 box 22 millimeter sheep casings aluminum foil meat thermometer.
Hickory smoked salt 5 tsp.
The beef sticks need to reach an internal temperature of 150 degrees fahrenheit.
Liquid smoke tsp ground black pepper tsp.
I only finish mine in the oven for 15 minutes set at 200 rack all the way up.
Ground pork bowl 1 tsp.
Meat curing product must contain salt and sugar.
Garlic salt 1 tsp.
We show how to make snack sticks with and without collagen casings from g.
2 tsp.
Making homemade snack sticks with a mixture of venison beef and pork.
Cooking the sticks can be accomplished in the oven on a smoker or in a temperature controlled dehydrator that can be set to at least 160 degrees.
Thickness fat content casings or no casings etc.
Legg snack stick seasoning 1 tsp prague powder 1 curing salt 19 21mm collagen casings for the sake of convenience i recommend the 21mm size whereas strongly advising against any.
Typically a collagen casing is used but it is also acceptable to use natural casings or even make skinless snack sticks.
Grinding the meat with my new grinder i got for christmas stuffing the casings with t.
Watch detailed instructions on how to make snack sticks with your wild game meat.
Things you ll need 2 lbs.
Stick a digital thermometer into one of the beef sticks.
A lot of variables come into play.
Fennel seeds tsp.
I start out low around 145 to 150 degrees for an hour then turn the temperature up to 170 degrees and continue to cook until the snack sticks reach an internal temperature of 150 degrees.
Mustard seed tsp.