Have general feedback or a feature that you wish you could use on mobile.
Meraki mobile device management android.
The power of the cisco meraki dashboard in your pocket.
Devices enrolled through both methods will show both lines as in the below image.
Meraki trusted access enhances both the it and end user experience.
Systems manager cisco s mobile device management mdm solution is evolving to address this need.
Mobile device management pszh admin welcome to the forums i suggest in your dashboard you go to the help menu and select get help once that page loads you will see contact details for your meraki sales rep.
Like there is with ios.
Cloud based mobile device management centrally provision monitor and secure all endpoint devices within your organization while keeping your network aware of constantly changing devices.
A device with the management profile installed will show last check in.
When enabled on a given ssid for a cisco meraki wireless ap sentry facilitates the secure and rapid onboarding and deployment of sm to mobile devices.
A device with the agent installed with show last online here.
You can also use sm sentry to force ios android windows and mac devices to enroll in systems manager for an efficient mass deployment or byod.
Hi all is it possible to force an android mobile phone to update to the latest os true meraki mdm.
The old system will go offline for good in april 2020.
Systems manager monitors each of your organization s devices showing useful metrics such as client hardware software information and recent location and even lets administrators remotely lock and erase devices.
Systems manager enables you to configure monitor and support the devices in your organization.
And 88 of users gave positive feedback on the experience immediately after enrolling their devices.
Whether you need to quickly check the status of your networks configure a misconfigured switch port or check out an alerting device the cisco meraki mobile experience is here to help.
Send us a wish from settings make a wish and let us know.
We are introducing meraki trusted access which securely connects personal devices to business critical resources without requiring an mdm profile to be installed.
100 cloud based systems manager eliminates costly complex management appliances and software.
We finished our ios device migration and started our android device migration in march 2020.
Of 37 000 devices transitioned to meraki sm only 20 required tier 3 technical support.